Wednesday, March 12, 2008

happiness and stuff

so i've been finishing all my schoolwork the last few days. that's a relief. i can actually sort of see the end in sight. 2 months. gosh time goes by fast. and yet it feels like only a year ago that i was a freshman in highschool. i remember back in the days of elementary and middle school i thought that i had so much school and it was so hard. those days i actually had afternoons and weekends free. these days i get to 10 at night and i'm like "yes! i'm done for today!" that's when i'm lucky. alas. we pay a price for becoming older. when i was little i'd look at 16 and 17 year olds and i'd be like "wow. they're so cool. i can't wait till i'm big like them" and now i am and it's like "what's so special about this again?" i mean, there were so many things i didn't know back then. my mind was clean. now it's a mish mash of random stuff, some of which i wish wasn't in there. ah well, i guess such is life. still. being old isn't all it's cracked up to be.

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