Monday, March 31, 2008

partial pressure and peppermint patties

today i have been reading about partial pressure and respiration and such.

but i get distracted very easily so instead of doing that, or even this

i flattened out a york peppermint patty wrapper to look like this 

i'm so distracted. 

Saturday, March 29, 2008


i love saturdays. there's something about waking up on a saturday morning and thinking "ah... the weekend" although for some reason even though i try to relax saturdays i always end up doing a ton of stuff. i need to work on my prioritizing... today i got to experience a mcalister sandwich for the first time in a long time. yum..... and i got to play madlibs with abby which was pretty much awesome. and then i got to drive in the rain. and i got honked at cause i didn't realize it was a first come first serve intersection. i thought left turns yielded. i'm a confused person. and i'm addicted to chikfila icecream. i actually went into chikfila to get some and then i got sidetracked talking to peeps and walked out without it... *rolls eyes and slaps forhead* i coulda had a V8.

Friday, March 28, 2008


well, today for the first time i did the drive through deposit thingie at the bank. it was very... unexciting. plus the driver's seat window doesn't work so i had to get out of the car. and it was kinda hot. by i wasn't wearing hot clothes so i'm good. i think one of my favorite things to do is read about celebrities. but only if it's something interesting. i'm a faithful reader of nash trash at cause he usually has pretty interesting stories. i can't help myself, reading about the misfortunes of others is somehow entertaining to me. but i think if they were regular people i wouldn't laugh at them, although some of them do such... dumb things so i dunno if normal people are capable...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


i love pistachios. i got a bag for easter and i've been eating them pretty much non-stop. i'm down to the last few which are the hardest to open, therefor i have to use my teeth to crack them open which can be slightly... painful at times. however, they're totally worth the pain, but super salty so i have to force myself to stop so i don't totally pucker my mouth up and all that. plus, my tongue got an acid bump which kinda hurts... but other than that they're amazing! and my new camera is coming in tomorrow which i'm super excited about, and my debit card came in today which is fun... *evil grin*. today i visited columbia college and became a student for a day (or a morning) and i got to sit in an anatomy and physiology class which i actually understood and i got to meet new people and reconnect with old one and it was an all around awesome experience. i then procrastinated the rest of the day. lovely eh?

PS. i just bit into a completely closed pistachio and it HURT. and then it turned out to be dry and crackly. but still yummy.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


God continues to amaze me in ways I could never imagine. It's like, I pray for something but I don't expect it to happen, but it does. Why do I continue to doubt Him? I was feeling so depressed last night and I asked Him to take it away and this morning I woke up and I felt so at peace. I need to write it down so that if i feel discouraged then I can read about past experiences and feel good again. Wouldn't life be so much easier if everyone was perfect? Sigh... but we aren't. That is just something I'll have to get used to I guess. God is amazing though, and to not trust Him is the worst mistake that one can ever make. And yet I do nothing about it, there are so many people I know who don't know Him, and they have no idea what hell is actually like. Why can't I find the courage to talk to them? Maybe I shall get the courage one day.... pray for me! And if you have anything you need praying for, let me know and I shall definitely lift you up to our most amazing Heavenly Father.

Friday, March 14, 2008

weird confession

haha ok so here's something i noticed about myself. i don't think i'm conceited, but whenever i walk past a mirror, i'm like a little kid. i have to watch myself. i dunno if i'm trying to subconsciously make sure my hair is still ok, or if i want to make sure there's nothing in my teeth. i honestly don't know why i do it. or if i'm listening to music and singing along, i'll watch to see how i look when i sing. or something random like that. :) i dunno i guess i'm just really weird. well ok, i think that fact was established a while back. but still.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

happiness and stuff

so i've been finishing all my schoolwork the last few days. that's a relief. i can actually sort of see the end in sight. 2 months. gosh time goes by fast. and yet it feels like only a year ago that i was a freshman in highschool. i remember back in the days of elementary and middle school i thought that i had so much school and it was so hard. those days i actually had afternoons and weekends free. these days i get to 10 at night and i'm like "yes! i'm done for today!" that's when i'm lucky. alas. we pay a price for becoming older. when i was little i'd look at 16 and 17 year olds and i'd be like "wow. they're so cool. i can't wait till i'm big like them" and now i am and it's like "what's so special about this again?" i mean, there were so many things i didn't know back then. my mind was clean. now it's a mish mash of random stuff, some of which i wish wasn't in there. ah well, i guess such is life. still. being old isn't all it's cracked up to be.