Monday, April 28, 2008


i heart columbia college. it's amazing. i'm not even going there and i think it's amazing. i went today for an honors thingie and i got to sit in an English 102 class and we got to discuss poetry (which i love) aaaaaaaand lunch is amazing aaand um... oh yes they were doing project hair care which means they cut off hair to give to people with cancer and i SO wanna do it! in two years... when i actually have... hair... and something else really awesome happened and i totally forgot what....uh.....OH YES! the bookshop sells BURTS BEES PRODUCTS! WOOT! i'm in love with burt's bees and pretty much that made me happy. even happier than i already was. yips!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

ok, so take a wild guess at how blonde i am...

well, i'm pretty much something. idk what. yesterday i had to deposit a few checks so mum's all like "if you go up richland from huger st, then you just take a left into the drive through bank." easy as pie. i could do that. so i turn onto richland i'm driving along and all of a sudden there's a big house right where i want to drive. ya know, that big white one that the governor lives in? well, it's not like there's any thru way or anything so i have to go around it. this turns me around slightly, however i manage to find my way back to richland. so i'm driving down looking for a drive through banking area on the right this time (cause i'm coming from the opposite direction. how smart am i?) and i drive into the exit bit because there's an arrow pointing into it and i don't see the exit sign. i back out and go into the entrance and with a sigh of relief take out the canister and put in the money. the lady on the other side of the window looks at me funny and says "ma'am, i think you're looking for bank of america..." and i'm like "??" and she says "this is security federal" and i'm like ?!?!?!?!?! so i have no idea how i managed to go to security federal... i did finally manage to find the place however... yay for blondes! except for i'm not. alas...

Friday, April 18, 2008

oh MY GOSH! here is the cutest video evah!

it's like they're saying "hmm, he's jumping, and he's cool, so maybe if i jump, i'll be cool too..." notice the total peer pressure going on here peoples. but still precious anyways. :D and it seems i am bleeding on my forhead... hmm... bandaid...

Monday, April 14, 2008


i love hot showers. especially after i've sweated gallons. however, i hate when i don't notice that someone's left up the little thingie that switches it from bath to shower. whatever it's called. so i turn on the water and i get blasted with (usually) freezing cold water. it's pretty annoying. and you'd think i'd remember to check since certain people (*cough*dad*cough*) leave it up ALL THE TIME. ah well.
go working out and burning calories then coming home and eating the same number of calories in m&ms...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

death and tags

my trip to NJ was amazing btw, but i shall (maybe) say more about another time. i've noticed recently that i have a morbid sense of humor. for example, i like watching Happy Tree Friends
and watching The Last Duet on Earth totally cracked me up. idk what's wrong with me. alas. ok, i was tagged so now i have to tag um, 7 other people i think? so if you've been tagged already... forgive me. especially if you have no idea who i am. thanks! :) i just realized, idk even how to tag so yup. it shan't even matter.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

super excitedness

wow. wowowow. i just got an email from Columbia College and they told me that i have received a scholarship that only goes to 5 of the top students in the freshman body. i never expected to get it because i was so quiet during the interview but now i'm like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was literally running around the house crying and screaming from excitedness. God is good.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

monster house

for those of you who haven't seen the monster house next door that's totally ruined a perfectly good lot (once full of wonderful clover and grass) here it is. 

today they started tearing off the sideboards and roof. why don't they just burn it?